...and up the road a bit :0)
Not quite as poetic as the kids rhyme but its looked like Narnia in the gardens and fields here over the past 48 hours.
First of all
Dave went on a walk-about and I stayed in with the kids who were both home due to schools being closed...then it was my turn.
First of all(armed with Daves posh camera) I shuffled down the drive and crossed over the road which had been gritted the night before so was a bit slushy sandy. This is the main country road to Newhaven where theres a port, and so can get busy at times, but there wasnt a soul about.

Our driveway is where theres a break in the hedge on the left...
these are the trees that edge the field where horses usually graze opposite the house. Everything looked like it had been blasted with a snow machine on a film set.

......and in the other direction facing the town in the distance

and over the hedge...

didn't want to be out too long...all that fresh air and excercise plays havock lol, so I walked back home (in the centre of the road! No traffic!...well, one police car doing its circuit to see if anyone was stuck I guess), but otherwise nothing...
in the area where we planted our vegetables last year there were some great patterns and textures going on..
this reminded me of woven wool or knitting

and this one, the grass reminded me of scratches on a photo......

lots of great inspiration for mixed media pieces...

Over the fence, my favourite view from the
summertime, (as we spent a lot of time digging and planting overlooking these trees)...only now it all looked so incredibly different....

So that was Monday.......yesterday.... and the snow finally stopped falling during late afternoon and moved on up from the south to the midlands and the rest of the UK...
and Tuesday came and brought us the most gorgeous sunrise (we had white sky yesterday- the sun couldnt get through) ...I took these this morning from the lounge.

It was a really welcome sight after the cold freezing temperatures over the past few days.
The chickens are ok...they survived the ordeal, although stopped laying for a day... and the wild birds made the most of all the extra seed and peanuts we put out aswell as our usual hanging feeders.
The moles....well, thats another story lol...Dave has that all under control (snigger lol)
The kids should be back to school tomorrow...much to Kanes dismay lol...he's had a lot of fun outside- a perfect ending to what was
his birthday weekend.