Saturday, 2 October 2010

October Silence

October 2010...autumn is fast approaching...

This morning the mist was rolling in over Sussex and so I nipped down to the bottom of our garden first thing as the sun was breaking through to take a few photos.

These horses are in the field next to were we live and wondered what I was doing out and about so early I think. In the background the mist is covering all the fields and flood plains towards town.

They're not the only ones wondering why I was up so early I imagine, but its been a while since I've seen it look so peaceful out there and so full of soft hues.

Edit to say that the first image was shown on TV on the BBC's South East Today News on Monday 1st November 2010 when they presented a programme about autumn and changing colours/season. Even had my name on screen! Whahoooooooo!


THREE times on Daybreak TV on Meridian ITV pre the weather report with Simon Parkin on the morning of November 5th, again shown with my name!!



Chris said...

Definitely worth getting out of bed for, Jo.

joanne wardle said...


Paula J Atkinson said...

Stunning photos, just the sort of thing I enjoy seeing out of the train windows every morning now the days begin misty.

Carol Q said...

wow - isn't that just beautiful. it was like that driving across the countryside to Artisan too.

Audrey said...

Wow - that looks like heaven!

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Gorgeous shots...lovely fog...just as our mornings are now too....

Helen said...

Gorgeous photos, what a lovely view from the end of your garden, you are so lucky!!

Sandra Evertson said...

Wow, so beautiful it almost doesn't look real!

Sandra Evertson

A rootdigger said...

The light is so beautyful

NETTI said...

Coo, famous!!!
These photos are fabulous - that mist is so ethereal.

:)) ...Вика said...


javediqbal said...
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